经过一年多的时间的摸索,终于找到了一种比较完美的撤销和重做(Undo和Redo)的C++实现方案,因为现在很多的应用程序都需要这种功能,所以我将我的经历写出来让大家分享,同时也能够让更多的人帮助我来更加完善这种架构,同时也能够让更多的人能够利用这种架构更好的完成它的程序。-After more than a year of exploration, finally found a more perfect Undo and Redo (Undo and Redo) to C++ implementations, because many applications require this functionality, so I will write my experience come to share, but also allows more people to help me to be more perfect this architecture also allows more people to take advantage of this architecture to better complete its program.
UndoRedoDemo\3rd-Party Libs\gtest-1.6.0\include\gtest\gtest-death-test.h
............\3rd-Party Libs\gtest-1.6.0\include\gtest\internal
............\3rd-Party Libs
............\3rd-Party Libs\gtest-1.6.0\include\gtest\internal
............\3rd-Party Libs