本原码符合 并通过测试规范,主要是应用在磁条非接触式支付应用(MSD)和快速借记/贷记非接触式支付应用(qPBOC)相关测试,是基于EMV支付应用和中国金融集成电路(IC)卡借记/贷记规范的基本之上的,是PBOC2.0卡应用规范的附加功能。本测试规范主要是对于快速借记/贷记非接触式支付应用(qPBOC)实现快速支付功能和应用流程进行测试。
2. 范围
3. 引用规范
1. ISO/IEC 14443-1:识别卡 无触点集成电路卡 近程卡 第1部分:物理特性2000-04-15.
2. ISO/IEC 14443-2 第2部分:射频功率和信号接口,2001-07-01
3. ISO/IEC 14443-3 第3部分:初始化和防冲突,2001-02-01
4. ISO/IEC 14443-4 第4部分:传输协议,2001-02-01
5. 中国金融集成电路(IC)卡借记/贷记规范,2005版
6. 中国银联基于借记贷记应用上的小额支付规范
7. EMV 支付系统集成电路卡规范,4.1版,2004-3
8. EMV 卡片个人化规范 (EMV CPS),最新版本从EMVCo.com获取
9. Visa Contactless Payment Specification 2.0, 2005-12
10. 中国银联非接触式IC卡支付规范070628
-Primitive code fit and through the test standards, are mainly used in the magnetic stripe contactless payment application (MSD) and rapid debit/credit cost contactless payment application (qPBOC) related test, is based on the application of China s financial and pay EMV integrated circuit (IC) card debit/credited the basic standard of above, is PBOC2.0 card application standard additional functions. This test is mainly for a quick regulating debit/credit cost contactless payment application (qPBOC) achieve rapid pay the function and application process for testing.
2. The range
This test is mainly for standard in magnetic stripe contactless payment application (MSD) and rapid debit/credit cost contactless payment application (qPBOC), execute quickly small pay for testing.
3. Reference standard
1. ISO/IEC 14443-1: identification card to non-contact integrated electricity luca proximity card ?
2. 范围
3. 引用规范
1. ISO/IEC 14443-1:识别卡 无触点集成电路卡 近程卡 第1部分:物理特性2000-04-15.
2. ISO/IEC 14443-2 第2部分:射频功率和信号接口,2001-07-01
3. ISO/IEC 14443-3 第3部分:初始化和防冲突,2001-02-01
4. ISO/IEC 14443-4 第4部分:传输协议,2001-02-01
5. 中国金融集成电路(IC)卡借记/贷记规范,2005版
6. 中国银联基于借记贷记应用上的小额支付规范
7. EMV 支付系统集成电路卡规范,4.1版,2004-3
8. EMV 卡片个人化规范 (EMV CPS),最新版本从EMVCo.com获取
9. Visa Contactless Payment Specification 2.0, 2005-12
10. 中国银联非接触式IC卡支付规范070628
-Primitive code fit and through the test standards, are mainly used in the magnetic stripe contactless payment application (MSD) and rapid debit/credit cost contactless payment application (qPBOC) related test, is based on the application of China s financial and pay EMV integrated circuit (IC) card debit/credited the basic standard of above, is PBOC2.0 card application standard additional functions. This test is mainly for a quick regulating debit/credit cost contactless payment application (qPBOC) achieve rapid pay the function and application process for testing.
2. The range
This test is mainly for standard in magnetic stripe contactless payment application (MSD) and rapid debit/credit cost contactless payment application (qPBOC), execute quickly small pay for testing.
3. Reference standard
1. ISO/IEC 14443-1: identification card to non-contact integrated electricity luca proximity card ?
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