This program has been written using Matlab/Simulink software. It can be used to find out the behavior of the induction motor behaviore when fed from a PWM inverter. The program is written so that the user can simulate any induction motor he wants by just loading the electrical and the machanical parameters in the workspace. The induction motor is modelled by the 7th order dq model which takes the iron loss component into account. The motor works in open loop but the closed loop can be easly performed by just adding the vector controller or any other controller and a PI speed controller.-This program has been written using Matlab/Simulink software. It can be used to find out the behavior of the induction motor behaviore when fed from a PWM inverter. The program is written so that the user can simulate any induction motor he wants by just loading the electrical and the machanical parameters in the workspace. The induction motor is modelled by the 7th order dq model which takes the iron loss component into account. The motor works in open loop but the closed loop can be easly performed by just adding the vector controller or any other controller and a PI speed controller.