规范化项目管理成为所有软件公司必行之路,唯有如此才能激进和开发员工潜能,通过本案提出的积分制管理方案,可有效提升软件开发者工作效率及工作责任心,对拥有效率和责任心的程序员予以重点嘉奖及提高相应待遇,同时对持相反工作态度和工作成果者予以相应惩罚。由此开明式奖惩制度给予了软件开发者提供良好的生态环境。-Standardized project management for all software companies will line the road, the only way to radical and development of staff potential, the integral of the system proposed by the case management program, software developers can effectively improve the efficiency and sense of responsibility, efficiency and accountability for own programmers to focus on winning and increase the appropriate treatment, while the opposite attitude and work are to be punished accordingly. Open-type reward system which gives software developers to provide a good environment.