1) 校园景点介:绍介相关景点的有关详细信息。
2) 最佳路线查询:查询校园中任意两点之间所有路线,并提供两点间最短的简单路径。
3) 关节点查询:提供校园图的关节点查询。
4) 多景点最佳路线查询:提供多个景点的最佳线路查询,即求途径这个景点的最佳路径。
-Campus Navigation System 1) campus attractions Introduction: Shao Jie-related attractions for more information. 2) The best route query: Query on campus all the routes between any two points, and provides a simple shortest path between two points. 3) joint points: the key points to provide the campus map queries. 4) The best route queries more attractions: multiple sites to provide the best route queries, that is seeking ways to this spot the best path.
1) 校园景点介:绍介相关景点的有关详细信息。
2) 最佳路线查询:查询校园中任意两点之间所有路线,并提供两点间最短的简单路径。
3) 关节点查询:提供校园图的关节点查询。
4) 多景点最佳路线查询:提供多个景点的最佳线路查询,即求途径这个景点的最佳路径。
-Campus Navigation System 1) campus attractions Introduction: Shao Jie-related attractions for more information. 2) The best route query: Query on campus all the routes between any two points, and provides a simple shortest path between two points. 3) joint points: the key points to provide the campus map queries. 4) The best route queries more attractions: multiple sites to provide the best route queries, that is seeking ways to this spot the best path.