- 所属分类:
- 手机短信编程
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual.Net] [Basic/ASP] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 1.39mb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- sj***
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
*系统如果公司想通知远在外地的职员回公司报到,传统方法是拨打每个职员的电话进行通知,现在开发出企业*系统便可以编写一条告知职员回公司报到的短信,然后添加所有外地职员的电话号码,统一发送出去,大大的提高了办公的效率。通过实际的需求分析,开发出本套企业*系统。本系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,通过本系统用户完全可以对指定的一组电话号码进行短信的*,加快了办公的效率。系统自身还有对已发短信的查询功能以及查看SIM卡中收到的短信,还为用户提供了电话簿的功能,通过电话簿管理,可以将比较常用的联系人及其手机号码添加到数据库中,方便在发送短信时添加接收人。系统安全方面也做了考虑,首先用户要通过登录模块验证成功之后才可以进入系统的主窗体,如果用户要暂时的离开,可以通过系统菜单栏中的“锁定系统”命令锁定系统界面,如果想再次使用,需要输入登录密码。为了减轻用户文字输入量,系统提供了常用短语模块,通过此模块用户可以选择一些常用的短语作为短信的内容,同时还可以自定义一些常用的短语以及删除一些不想要的短语。-Short message system if the company wishes to inform the staff back to the company for far field report, the traditional way is to dial the phone to notify each employee, now developed enterprise short message system will be able to prepare a report to inform the staff back to the company SMS, and then add all the field staff telephone number, to send out a unified, greatly improve office efficiency. Through the analysis of the actual demand, develop the enterprise short message system. This system mainly use the hardware to send SMS text messages a cat, through the system the user can specify a group of telephone numbers for the mass text messages, to speed up the efficiency of the office. The system itself also has sent the message to the query and view the SIM card received in the message, but also to provide users with a phone book function, through the phone book management, can be more commonly used contact and mobile phone numbers added to the database, add the recipient conveni