如果你经常编排带数学公式的文章, 那么你对WORD估计不陌
生, 而且对它的公式编辑器也用得不少, 那你可能会发现, WORD
编排出来的段落不是那么令人满意, 如果左对齐, 那么每行的右
边参差不齐, 很不美观 而如果选用两边对齐, 那么WORD为了达
到这点要求, 可能就加大了某些词与词之间的间距, 那样也达不
到我们满意的文章格式. 能不能在行末自动地把一个单词在音节
处拆开, 并加上连字符呢? TeX可以
-If you often arranged with a mathematical formula article, then you are no stranger to WORD estimates, and its equation editor is also used a lot, you may find, WORD layout out of the paragraph is not so satisfactory, if left alignment, then the right side of each line varies, very beautiful and if the choice of both sides of the alignment, then the WORD in order to achieve this requirement, some may increase the spacing between words, so can not be achieved without the article format to our satisfaction. end of the line can automatically put a word in the syllable at the open, and add a hyphen it? TeX can
生, 而且对它的公式编辑器也用得不少, 那你可能会发现, WORD
编排出来的段落不是那么令人满意, 如果左对齐, 那么每行的右
边参差不齐, 很不美观 而如果选用两边对齐, 那么WORD为了达
到这点要求, 可能就加大了某些词与词之间的间距, 那样也达不
到我们满意的文章格式. 能不能在行末自动地把一个单词在音节
处拆开, 并加上连字符呢? TeX可以
-If you often arranged with a mathematical formula article, then you are no stranger to WORD estimates, and its equation editor is also used a lot, you may find, WORD layout out of the paragraph is not so satisfactory, if left alignment, then the right side of each line varies, very beautiful and if the choice of both sides of the alignment, then the WORD in order to achieve this requirement, some may increase the spacing between words, so can not be achieved without the article format to our satisfaction. end of the line can automatically put a word in the syllable at the open, and add a hyphen it? TeX can