clear 从内存中清除变量和函数
exit 关闭MATLAB
load 从磁盘中调入数据变量
pack 合并工作内存中的碎块
quit 退出MATLAB
save 把内存变量存入磁盘
who 列出工作内存中的变量名
whos 列出工作内存中的变量细节
workspace 工作内存浏览器
-There is one outlier in the data of , but is not of data .For and the line of Q2 is in the middle of the box, so there are not asymmetries for both and .
exit 关闭MATLAB
load 从磁盘中调入数据变量
pack 合并工作内存中的碎块
quit 退出MATLAB
save 把内存变量存入磁盘
who 列出工作内存中的变量名
whos 列出工作内存中的变量细节
workspace 工作内存浏览器
-There is one outlier in the data of , but is not of data .For and the line of Q2 is in the middle of the box, so there are not asymmetries for both and .