文章介绍了平坦衰落下的频偏和同步联合恢复技术,能够有效应对时变的信道,并且不需要训练序列,给出了详细的仿真和分析,供大家学习-Two open-loop algorithms are developed for esti-
mating jointly frequency offset and symbol timing of a linearly
modulated waveform transmitted through a frequency-fl at fading
channel. The methods exploit the received signal’s second-order
cyclostationarity and, with respect to existing solutions: 1) they
take into account the presence of time-selective fading effects 2)
they do not need training data 3) they do not rely on the Gaussian
assumption of the complex equivalent low-pass channel process
and 4) they are tolerant to additive stationary noise of any color
or distribution.
mating jointly frequency offset and symbol timing of a linearly
modulated waveform transmitted through a frequency-fl at fading
channel. The methods exploit the received signal’s second-order
cyclostationarity and, with respect to existing solutions: 1) they
take into account the presence of time-selective fading effects 2)
they do not need training data 3) they do not rely on the Gaussian
assumption of the complex equivalent low-pass channel process
and 4) they are tolerant to additive stationary noise of any color
or distribution.
Frequency offset and symbol timing recovery in flat-fading channels.pdf