《现代编译原理C语言描述》书上第一章的直线式程序解释器的一个问题:写一个函数int maxargs(A_stm),告知给定语句中任意子表达式内的print语句的最大参数个数.
参照所给部分源码,在Linux环境下编写的,GCC版本4.4.4测试通过-The book Modern compiler Implementation In C, in first chapter of the book linear program interpreter there be a problem: Write a function int maxargs (A_stm), to figure out the number of arguments of statement in any given sub-expression within the print statement.
参照所给部分源码,在Linux环境下编写的,GCC版本4.4.4测试通过-The book Modern compiler Implementation In C, in first chapter of the book linear program interpreter there be a problem: Write a function int maxargs (A_stm), to figure out the number of arguments of statement in any given sub-expression within the print statement.