YASAT (Yet Another Static Analysis Tool) is a very basic static analysis tool, really it s less about static analysis and more about running a group of regular expressions on a code base and generating a report on the resulting matches.
I found myself grepping a code base repeatedly and found that I had accumulated a decent set of Regex s that I d use to point me in the right direction during a code review.
I wrote this tool to make that process less painful.-YASAT (Yet Another Static Analysis Tool) is a very basic static analysis tool, really it s less about static analysis and more about running a group of regular expressions on a code base and generating a report on the resulting matches.
I found myself grepping a code base repeatedly and found that I had accumulated a decent set of Regex s that I d use to point me in the right direction during a code review.
I wrote this tool to make that process less painful.
I found myself grepping a code base repeatedly and found that I had accumulated a decent set of Regex s that I d use to point me in the right direction during a code review.
I wrote this tool to make that process less painful.-YASAT (Yet Another Static Analysis Tool) is a very basic static analysis tool, really it s less about static analysis and more about running a group of regular expressions on a code base and generating a report on the resulting matches.
I found myself grepping a code base repeatedly and found that I had accumulated a decent set of Regex s that I d use to point me in the right direction during a code review.
I wrote this tool to make that process less painful.
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