以FPGA 芯片为平台构建了数字信号滤波实时处理模块, 给出了 50Hz 陷波器的切比雪夫Ê 型 IIR 数字
滤波器 4 阶级联的结构, 提出了对滤波器系数量化的逼近方法, 完成了基于 FPGA 的陷波器实现, 并成功地实现了
对含有工频 50Hz 噪声干扰的心电信号的滤波处理, 通过与M at lab 计算所得到的滤波处理效果进行比较分析, 结
果表明: 基于FPGA 采用切比雪夫Ê 型 4 级级联结构的 IIR 数字滤波器的误差满足设计要求- W ith the development of the techno logy of VL S I, the techno logy fo r digital signal p rocessing has
developed rap idly . In th is paper, the arch itecture of 50Hz four th2 o rder Chebyshev′ s ModelÊ digital f ilter is
show n . In the same t i me, themethod fo r f ilter coeff icient quant if icat i on is p resented . How ever, the f ilter based on
FPGA is i mp lemented . The f ilter can p rocess digital signal successfully and its perfo rmance sat isf ies w ith design
requirement .
滤波器 4 阶级联的结构, 提出了对滤波器系数量化的逼近方法, 完成了基于 FPGA 的陷波器实现, 并成功地实现了
对含有工频 50Hz 噪声干扰的心电信号的滤波处理, 通过与M at lab 计算所得到的滤波处理效果进行比较分析, 结
果表明: 基于FPGA 采用切比雪夫Ê 型 4 级级联结构的 IIR 数字滤波器的误差满足设计要求- W ith the development of the techno logy of VL S I, the techno logy fo r digital signal p rocessing has
developed rap idly . In th is paper, the arch itecture of 50Hz four th2 o rder Chebyshev′ s ModelÊ digital f ilter is
show n . In the same t i me, themethod fo r f ilter coeff icient quant if icat i on is p resented . How ever, the f ilter based on
FPGA is i mp lemented . The f ilter can p rocess digital signal successfully and its perfo rmance sat isf ies w ith design
requirement .