杭电电子科技大学acm oj上的,一些题目的源码,供大家学习参考-Hangzhou University of Electronics Science and Technology on the acm oj, a number of topics of the source, for everybody to learn information
...........\1002 A + B Problem II.c
...........\1003 Max Sum.c
...........\1005 Number Sequence.c
...........\1020 Encoding.c
...........\1021 Fibonacci Again.c
...........\1040 As Easy As A+B.c
...........\1048 The Hardest Problem Ever.c
...........\1205 吃糖果.c
...........\1210 Eddy's 洗牌问题.c
...........\1235 统计同成绩学生人数.c
...........\1266 Reverse Number.c
...........\1407 测试你是否和LTC水平一个高.c
...........\1004 Let the Balloon Rise.cpp
...........\1006 Tick and Tick.cpp
...........\1008 Elevator.cpp
...........\1009 FatMouse' Trade.cpp
...........\1010 Tempter of the Bone.cpp
...........\1012 u Calculate e.cpp
...........\1013 Digital Roots.cpp
...........\1014 Uniform Generator.cpp
...........\1015 Safecracker.cpp
...........\1016 Prime Ring Problem.cpp
...........\1017 A Mathematical Curiosity.cpp
...........\1018 Big Number.cpp
...........\1019 Least Common Multiple.cpp
...........\1022 Train Problem I.cpp
...........\1023 Train Problem II.cpp
...........\1025 Constructing Roads In JGShining's Kingdom.cpp
...........\1027 Ignatius and the Princess II.cpp
...........\1028 Ignatius and the Princess III.cpp
...........\1029 Ignatius and the Princess IV.cpp
...........\1030 Delta-wave.cpp
...........\1032 The 3n + 1 problem.cpp
...........\1034 - Candy Sharing Game.cpp
...........\1035 Robot Motion.cpp
...........\1037 Keep on Truckin.cpp
...........\1038 Biker's Trip Odometer.cpp
...........\1039 Easier Done Than Said.cpp
...........\1041 Computer Transformation.cpp
...........\1042 N!.cpp
...........\1046 Gridland.cpp
...........\1049 Climbing Worm.cpp
...........\1051 Wooden Sticks.cpp
...........\1052 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing.cpp
...........\1056 HangOver.cpp
...........\1058 Humble Numbers.cpp
...........\1059 Dividing.cpp
...........\1060 Leftmost Digit.cpp
...........\1061 Rightmost Digit.cpp
...........\1062 Text Reverse.cpp
...........\1064 Financial Management.cpp
...........\1065 I Think I Need a Houseboat.cpp
...........\1066 Last non-zero Digit in N!.cpp
...........\1070 Milk.cpp
...........\1071 The area.cpp
...........\1073 Online Judge.cpp
...........\1074 Doing Homework.cpp
...........\1075 What Are You Talking About.cpp
...........\1076 An Easy Task.cpp
...........\1082 Matrix Chain Multiplication.cpp
...........\1084 What Is Your Grade.cpp
...........\1085 Holding Bin-Laden Captive!.cpp
...........\1086 You can Solve a Geometry Problem too.cpp
...........\1087 Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!.cpp
...........\1088 Write a simple HTML Browser.cpp
...........\1097 A hard puzzle.cpp
...........\1098 Ignatius's puzzle.cpp
...........\1002 A + B Problem II.c
...........\1003 Max Sum.c
...........\1005 Number Sequence.c
...........\1020 Encoding.c
...........\1021 Fibonacci Again.c
...........\1040 As Easy As A+B.c
...........\1048 The Hardest Problem Ever.c
...........\1205 吃糖果.c
...........\1210 Eddy's 洗牌问题.c
...........\1235 统计同成绩学生人数.c
...........\1266 Reverse Number.c
...........\1407 测试你是否和LTC水平一个高.c
...........\1004 Let the Balloon Rise.cpp
...........\1006 Tick and Tick.cpp
...........\1008 Elevator.cpp
...........\1009 FatMouse' Trade.cpp
...........\1010 Tempter of the Bone.cpp
...........\1012 u Calculate e.cpp
...........\1013 Digital Roots.cpp
...........\1014 Uniform Generator.cpp
...........\1015 Safecracker.cpp
...........\1016 Prime Ring Problem.cpp
...........\1017 A Mathematical Curiosity.cpp
...........\1018 Big Number.cpp
...........\1019 Least Common Multiple.cpp
...........\1022 Train Problem I.cpp
...........\1023 Train Problem II.cpp
...........\1025 Constructing Roads In JGShining's Kingdom.cpp
...........\1027 Ignatius and the Princess II.cpp
...........\1028 Ignatius and the Princess III.cpp
...........\1029 Ignatius and the Princess IV.cpp
...........\1030 Delta-wave.cpp
...........\1032 The 3n + 1 problem.cpp
...........\1034 - Candy Sharing Game.cpp
...........\1035 Robot Motion.cpp
...........\1037 Keep on Truckin.cpp
...........\1038 Biker's Trip Odometer.cpp
...........\1039 Easier Done Than Said.cpp
...........\1041 Computer Transformation.cpp
...........\1042 N!.cpp
...........\1046 Gridland.cpp
...........\1049 Climbing Worm.cpp
...........\1051 Wooden Sticks.cpp
...........\1052 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing.cpp
...........\1056 HangOver.cpp
...........\1058 Humble Numbers.cpp
...........\1059 Dividing.cpp
...........\1060 Leftmost Digit.cpp
...........\1061 Rightmost Digit.cpp
...........\1062 Text Reverse.cpp
...........\1064 Financial Management.cpp
...........\1065 I Think I Need a Houseboat.cpp
...........\1066 Last non-zero Digit in N!.cpp
...........\1070 Milk.cpp
...........\1071 The area.cpp
...........\1073 Online Judge.cpp
...........\1074 Doing Homework.cpp
...........\1075 What Are You Talking About.cpp
...........\1076 An Easy Task.cpp
...........\1082 Matrix Chain Multiplication.cpp
...........\1084 What Is Your Grade.cpp
...........\1085 Holding Bin-Laden Captive!.cpp
...........\1086 You can Solve a Geometry Problem too.cpp
...........\1087 Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!.cpp
...........\1088 Write a simple HTML Browser.cpp
...........\1097 A hard puzzle.cpp
...........\1098 Ignatius's puzzle.cpp