phpwind 8.5从内容的表现方式、组织形式和推送方式三个角度进行了加强。站长可根据实际运营需求设置版块图片内容的表现形式;个人中心新鲜事增加了话题功能,方便用户进行群聊和查找相关内容;注册可灵活的设置需要填写的字段和要推送给用户的内容等等,以下简单罗列,此外,phpwind 8.5除了兼容8.3的风格插件,还完美兼容phpwind 周边产品哦~~
-Software profile
PHPWind community program is a set of using PHP+ mysql database can be operated in such a manner and generating HTML pages of new and perfect powerful systems. Product support multiple choice: GBK code, BIG5, and UTF8. We hope that as an open source system, with its phpwind can smooth the speed and high load ability to arouse everyone to join phpwind faction enthusiasm, and jointly create professional brand phpwind!
The phpwind 8.5 expression from content, the organization forms and delivery ways to strengthen three viewpoints. According to actual operation demand webmaster forums pictures content set form Personal center s new increase the topic function, convenient user group chat and search relevant content Registered but flexible Settings need to fill in the fields and to push to the user content and so on, the following simple list, in addition, the phpwind 8.5 besides compatible 8.3, perfect compatibility style plugin phpwind peripheral products oh ~ ~
phpwind 8.5从内容的表现方式、组织形式和推送方式三个角度进行了加强。站长可根据实际运营需求设置版块图片内容的表现形式;个人中心新鲜事增加了话题功能,方便用户进行群聊和查找相关内容;注册可灵活的设置需要填写的字段和要推送给用户的内容等等,以下简单罗列,此外,phpwind 8.5除了兼容8.3的风格插件,还完美兼容phpwind 周边产品哦~~
-Software profile
PHPWind community program is a set of using PHP+ mysql database can be operated in such a manner and generating HTML pages of new and perfect powerful systems. Product support multiple choice: GBK code, BIG5, and UTF8. We hope that as an open source system, with its phpwind can smooth the speed and high load ability to arouse everyone to join phpwind faction enthusiasm, and jointly create professional brand phpwind!
The phpwind 8.5 expression from content, the organization forms and delivery ways to strengthen three viewpoints. According to actual operation demand webmaster forums pictures content set form Personal center s new increase the topic function, convenient user group chat and search relevant content Registered but flexible Settings need to fill in the fields and to push to the user content and so on, the following simple list, in addition, the phpwind 8.5 besides compatible 8.3, perfect compatibility style plugin phpwind peripheral products oh ~ ~