企业网站ASP 毕业设计摘要伴随着计算机技术在各行各业日益广泛和深入的应用,网络的概念早已深入人心。今天的网络在各行各业的发展战略中占据了重要的位置,成为企业不可分割的部分。企业产品与企业形象的宣传已不只局限于电视与报纸,网络已成为企业展示自己的另一个舞台。企业建立网站,将企业各方面的宣传与服务展现于网络中,通过网络更可实现如网上购物、信息查寻等功能,这些在改变我们原有经营方式与经营理念的同时,也为企业带来了更高的效益。因此,对于商业企业来说,拥有一个属于自己的网站是至关重要的。-Follow the technology of the computer in the enterprise and deep application day by day of all trades and professions, the concept internet has been deeply taken up people’s heart. Today , the internet takes an very important part in the development tactics of all trades and professions, became a part of an enterprise which can not be partition off. The propaganda of enterprise products and enterprise image has not only limited in TV set and newspaper. The internet has became another stage which enterprise can display themselves. Enterprise set up web site, and make propaganda and service of all aspects of enterprise, display on the internet. Though internet we can achieve buying products on the internet, searching message and so on. Those have changed old way of management and idea of management, meanwhile those also bring more yield for enterprise. So, for the business enterprise, have a web site which is belong to themselves is very important.