- 所属分类:
- 单片机(51,AVR,MSP430等)
- 资源属性:
- [Text]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 1kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 杨**
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
当CE=0,IO/M=0时,8155只能做片外RAM使用,共256 B。其寻址范围由以及AD0~AD7的接法决定,这和前面讲到的片外RAM扩展时讨论的完全相同。当系统同时扩展片外RAM芯片时,要注意二者的统一编址。对这256 B RAM的操作使用片外RAM的读/写指令“MOVX”。
当 CE=0,IO/M=1时,此时可以对8155片内3个I/O端口以及命令/状态寄存器和定时/计数器进行操作。与I/O端口和计数器使用有关的内部寄存器共有6个,需要三位地址来区分。-When CE = 0, IO/M = 0, the 8155 can only do chip RAM to use, a total of 256 B. The address range from well AD0 ~ AD7 the connection decision, which referred to the previous extended-chip RAM to discuss the same. When the system while expanding off-chip RAM chips, both should pay attention to the unity of addressing. The operation of this 256 B RAM chip RAM using read/write instruction " MOVX" . Expanding the I/O available when CE = 0, IO/M = 1, the point can be within the three 8155 I/O ports, and command/status registers, and timer/counter operation. And I/O ports and the use of the internal counter register a total of 6, you need to distinguish between the three addresses.
当 CE=0,IO/M=1时,此时可以对8155片内3个I/O端口以及命令/状态寄存器和定时/计数器进行操作。与I/O端口和计数器使用有关的内部寄存器共有6个,需要三位地址来区分。-When CE = 0, IO/M = 0, the 8155 can only do chip RAM to use, a total of 256 B. The address range from well AD0 ~ AD7 the connection decision, which referred to the previous extended-chip RAM to discuss the same. When the system while expanding off-chip RAM chips, both should pay attention to the unity of addressing. The operation of this 256 B RAM chip RAM using read/write instruction " MOVX" . Expanding the I/O available when CE = 0, IO/M = 1, the point can be within the three 8155 I/O ports, and command/status registers, and timer/counter operation. And I/O ports and the use of the internal counter register a total of 6, you need to distinguish between the three addresses.