This report is organized as following.First, it is divided into chapter 2 to
chapter 12. Within each chapter, VHDL code is presented at the beginning of each
problem. Then, simulation results for these codes is also included. For some
problems, more than one solution is presented. Second, a conclusion is made
about the main confronts that I have faced. Finally, a list of refrences is included.
Regarding the software tools, ISE 9.2i Design suite is used. However, due to
bugs introduced with ISE Simulator 9.2i. I have upgradted to the next version ISE
Design suite 10.1. Sometimes, ModelSim is also used for checking some codes.
With respect to FPGA, All the codes are synthesized and implementedsome
of them- for Spartan3an xc3s700AN. The same kind of FPGA we have within
our lab
This report is organized as following.First, it is divided into chapter 2 to
chapter 12. Within each chapter, VHDL code is presented at the beginning of each
problem. Then, simulation results for these codes is also included. For some
problems, more than one solution is presented. Second, a conclusion is made
about the main confronts that I have faced. Finally, a list of refrences is included.
Regarding the software tools, ISE 9.2i Design suite is used. However, due to
bugs introduced with ISE Simulator 9.2i. I have upgradted to the next version ISE
Design suite 10.1. Sometimes, ModelSim is also used for checking some codes.
With respect to FPGA, All the codes are synthesized and implementedsome
of them- for Spartan3an xc3s700AN. The same kind of FPGA we have within
our lab