设计实现超市收银程序,假设顾客在超市购买各种商品,来到收银台结账,收银员具有面值为100,20,10,5和1元的纸币和各种面值为5角、2角、1角的硬币。设计程序计算顾客各种所买商品的钱数,并根据顾客所付的钱数输出零钱的数目及要找的各种货币的数目。-Design and Implementation of the supermarket cash register program, assuming the customer in the supermarket to buy various goods, to the cashier checkout, the cashier has a face value of 1 yuan 100,20,10,5 and various denominations of banknotes and 5 angle, angle 2, 1 dime. Calculation of the design process all the customers of money to buy goods and pay the money according to the number of customers change the output number and find the number of various currencies.