1 每一条记录包括一个学生的学号、姓名、3门课成绩、平均成绩。
2 输入功能:能按学期、按班级完成对学生成绩的录入、修改。
3 显示功能:完成全部学生记录的显示,能按班级输出学生的成绩单。
4 查找功能:完成按姓名查找学生记录,能查询学生成绩,不及格科目及学生名单并显示。
5排序功能:能按班级统计学生的成绩,求学生的总分及平均分,并能根据学生的平均成绩进行-Student achievement management system. 1 each student' s school records, including number, name, 3 course grades, grade point average. 2 Enter the function: by semester, according to the class to complete the recording student achievement, changes. 3 shows the function: display of complete records of all students, to transcr ipts of students per class output. 4 search functions: Find the students complete the record by name, to check student achievement, and students do not pass the list of subjects and display. 5 sort function: the results of students per class statistics, find the total score and the average score of the students, and according to the average score for students
1 每一条记录包括一个学生的学号、姓名、3门课成绩、平均成绩。
2 输入功能:能按学期、按班级完成对学生成绩的录入、修改。
3 显示功能:完成全部学生记录的显示,能按班级输出学生的成绩单。
4 查找功能:完成按姓名查找学生记录,能查询学生成绩,不及格科目及学生名单并显示。
5排序功能:能按班级统计学生的成绩,求学生的总分及平均分,并能根据学生的平均成绩进行-Student achievement management system. 1 each student' s school records, including number, name, 3 course grades, grade point average. 2 Enter the function: by semester, according to the class to complete the recording student achievement, changes. 3 shows the function: display of complete records of all students, to transcr ipts of students per class output. 4 search functions: Find the students complete the record by name, to check student achievement, and students do not pass the list of subjects and display. 5 sort function: the results of students per class statistics, find the total score and the average score of the students, and according to the average score for students