-" Floyd shortest path algorithm based on the Ford and Fulkerson algorithm superposition" of the minimum cost maximum flow algorithm, the basic idea is: the flow of each arc on the unit cost as a length, with Floyd for the most short-circuit method to determine a from V1 to Vn of the most short-circuit then this can be expanded as the shortest way, by solving the maximum flow of traffic on the way to its maximum possible value and this increased the flow of the shortest path, on which the arcs of the unit to re-determine the cost of traffic, so several iterations, finally get the minimum cost maximum flow.
-" Floyd shortest path algorithm based on the Ford and Fulkerson algorithm superposition" of the minimum cost maximum flow algorithm, the basic idea is: the flow of each arc on the unit cost as a length, with Floyd for the most short-circuit method to determine a from V1 to Vn of the most short-circuit then this can be expanded as the shortest way, by solving the maximum flow of traffic on the way to its maximum possible value and this increased the flow of the shortest path, on which the arcs of the unit to re-determine the cost of traffic, so several iterations, finally get the minimum cost maximum flow.