1.录入学生信息 依次录入学生信息,输入n/N结束输入。
2.学生成绩查询 1按学号顺序查询 按学号的升序排列并显示排列结果。
2按成绩顺序查询 按成绩的降序排列并显示排列结果。
3按学生姓名查询 输入要查询学生姓名显示相关信息。
4按课程名称查询 输入课程名称显示选该课学生信息。
5不及格信息查询 直接显示所有不及格学生相关信息。
3.添加学生信息 输入要添加学生的信息,输入n/N结束输入。
4.删除学生信息 输入要删除学生的学号,系统既删除其所有信息。
5.修改学生信息 输入要修改学生的姓名并修改相关信息。
6.保存学生信息 输入要保存学生信息文件的路径。
-Dev-C-based educational management system
System, the main menu options described
1. Input student information student information in order entry, enter n/N end of the input.
2. Student achievement by student number query a query sequence in ascending order by student number and displays the arranged results.
2 Press the order query results in descending order by grade and displays the arranged results.
3 names of the query input by the students to check student name display relevant information.
4 Enter the course by course name query name appears select the class student information.
5 fail information queries directly show all the information the students failed.
3. Add student information student information to add input, enter n/N end of the input.
4. Delete student information school students enter the number you want to delete the system not only remove all of its information.
5. Modify the stude
1.录入学生信息 依次录入学生信息,输入n/N结束输入。
2.学生成绩查询 1按学号顺序查询 按学号的升序排列并显示排列结果。
2按成绩顺序查询 按成绩的降序排列并显示排列结果。
3按学生姓名查询 输入要查询学生姓名显示相关信息。
4按课程名称查询 输入课程名称显示选该课学生信息。
5不及格信息查询 直接显示所有不及格学生相关信息。
3.添加学生信息 输入要添加学生的信息,输入n/N结束输入。
4.删除学生信息 输入要删除学生的学号,系统既删除其所有信息。
5.修改学生信息 输入要修改学生的姓名并修改相关信息。
6.保存学生信息 输入要保存学生信息文件的路径。
-Dev-C-based educational management system
System, the main menu options described
1. Input student information student information in order entry, enter n/N end of the input.
2. Student achievement by student number query a query sequence in ascending order by student number and displays the arranged results.
2 Press the order query results in descending order by grade and displays the arranged results.
3 names of the query input by the students to check student name display relevant information.
4 Enter the course by course name query name appears select the class student information.
5 fail information queries directly show all the information the students failed.
3. Add student information student information to add input, enter n/N end of the input.
4. Delete student information school students enter the number you want to delete the system not only remove all of its information.
5. Modify the stude