《人月神话》内容源于作者Brooks在IBM公司任System/360计算机系列以及其庞大的软件系统OS/360项目经理时的实践经验。在《人月神话》中,Brooks为人们管理复杂项目提供了最具洞察力的见解,既有很多发人深省的观点,又有大量软件工程的实践,为每个复杂项目的管理者给出了自己的真知灼见。 大型编程项目深受由于人力划分产生的管理问题的困扰,保持产品本身的概念完整性是一个至关重要的需求。《人月神话》探索了达成一致性的困难和解决的方法,并探讨了软件工程管理的其他方面。《人月神话》适合任何软件开发行业的从业人员阅读,对软件开发人员、软件项目经理、系统分析师更是必读之作。-"Mythical Man-Month" content from any of the System/360, IBM Brooks in the series and its huge computer software system when the OS/360 project manager experience. In "The Mythical Man Month" in, Brooks for people to manage complex projects provide the most insightful view, both a lot of thought-provoking point of view, there are a large number of software engineering practice, project manager for each complex is given its own insights. Large programming projects created by the division of management due to human problems, the concept of maintaining the integrity of the product itself is a crucial need. "Mythical Man-Month" to explore the difficulties of reaching agreement and solution, and discusses other aspects of project management software. "Mythical Man-Month" for any software development industry practitioners to read, software developers, software project manager, systems analyst is required reading for.