主程序arma2Ddemo是对模拟图像的2DAR和ARMA参数估计。-arma2Ddemo: See and run the demo arma2Ddemo for an example of 2D AR and ARMA parameters estimation from simulated images.
- sim_ar2d: generation of simulated 2D AR process.
- sim_arma2d: generation of simulated 2D ARMA process.
- ar2d: solves 2D yule walker to estimate AR parameters
- arma2d: estimation of 2D ARMA parameters. First step: estimation of the gaussian input by inv_ar2d, Second step: linear system solution to estimates simultaneously AR and MA parameters, as explained in [1].
- inv_ar2d: first step in arma2d. Filters through inverse filter 1/AR an AR process, to generate its innovation Gaussian signal. It is used here to estimate the Gaussian noise input to the ARMA 2D process, approximating the ARMA model to a high order AR model.
- poles2coeff: converts poles chosen by user to AR or MA coefficients (support function)
- sim_ar2d: generation of simulated 2D AR process.
- sim_arma2d: generation of simulated 2D ARMA process.
- ar2d: solves 2D yule walker to estimate AR parameters
- arma2d: estimation of 2D ARMA parameters. First step: estimation of the gaussian input by inv_ar2d, Second step: linear system solution to estimates simultaneously AR and MA parameters, as explained in [1].
- inv_ar2d: first step in arma2d. Filters through inverse filter 1/AR an AR process, to generate its innovation Gaussian signal. It is used here to estimate the Gaussian noise input to the ARMA 2D process, approximating the ARMA model to a high order AR model.
- poles2coeff: converts poles chosen by user to AR or MA coefficients (support function)