今天需要大家帮gg一个忙,2009年11月11日是星期三,而这是他一个星期中课业最重的一天,一天10课时……gg想知道的是,N年后的Single Day还会是星期三吗?如果不是,又是星期几呢?N年后的gg,欢迎大家展开丰富的想象!(继续YY中,勿扰……)
输出对应的星期数,星期一是1,星期二是2,……,星期日是7。-Today need help gg everybody a favor, November 11, 2009 is Wednesday, and this is his most important tasks of a week day, 10 hours a day ... ... gg want to know is, N will be years after the Single Day are Wednesday it? If not, then the week it? N years later, gg, welcome to expand the wealth of imagination! (Continued YY in if you' re the ... ...) Enter the total of t+1 lines, the first line is an integer t, said a total of t set of data. Here t lines, each a positive integer type int N (1 < = t < = 10 ^ 4,0 < = N < = 10 ^ 9). Output corresponding to the number of weeks, Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, ... ..., Sunday is 7.
输出对应的星期数,星期一是1,星期二是2,……,星期日是7。-Today need help gg everybody a favor, November 11, 2009 is Wednesday, and this is his most important tasks of a week day, 10 hours a day ... ... gg want to know is, N will be years after the Single Day are Wednesday it? If not, then the week it? N years later, gg, welcome to expand the wealth of imagination! (Continued YY in if you' re the ... ...) Enter the total of t+1 lines, the first line is an integer t, said a total of t set of data. Here t lines, each a positive integer type int N (1 < = t < = 10 ^ 4,0 < = N < = 10 ^ 9). Output corresponding to the number of weeks, Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, ... ..., Sunday is 7.
1678_GG's Single Day.cpp