region growing:
The fundamental drawback of histogram-based region detection is that histograms
provide no spatial information (only the distribution of gray levels).
- Region-growing approaches exploit the important fact that pixels which are close
together have similar gray values.
• Region growing
- Start with a single pixel (seed) and add new pixels slowly
(1) Choose the seed pixel
(2) Check the neighboring pixels and add them to the region if they are similar to-region growing:
The fundamental drawback of histogram-based region detection is that histograms
provide no spatial information (only the distribution of gray levels).
- Region-growing approaches exploit the important fact that pixels which are close
together have similar gray values.
• Region growing
- Start with a single pixel (seed) and add new pixels slowly
(1) Choose the seed pixel
(2) Check the neighboring pixels and add them to the region if they are similar to
The fundamental drawback of histogram-based region detection is that histograms
provide no spatial information (only the distribution of gray levels).
- Region-growing approaches exploit the important fact that pixels which are close
together have similar gray values.
• Region growing
- Start with a single pixel (seed) and add new pixels slowly
(1) Choose the seed pixel
(2) Check the neighboring pixels and add them to the region if they are similar to-region growing:
The fundamental drawback of histogram-based region detection is that histograms
provide no spatial information (only the distribution of gray levels).
- Region-growing approaches exploit the important fact that pixels which are close
together have similar gray values.
• Region growing
- Start with a single pixel (seed) and add new pixels slowly
(1) Choose the seed pixel
(2) Check the neighboring pixels and add them to the region if they are similar to