作 者:[美]普拉塔(Prata,S.) 著
全书分17章和10个附录,分别介绍了C++程序的运行方式、基本数据类型、复合数据类型、循环和关系表达式、分支语句和逻辑操作符、函数重载和函数模板、内存模型和名称空间、类的设计和使用、多态、虚函数、动态内存分配、继承、代码重用、友元、异常处理技术、string类和标准模板库、输入/输出等内容。-Author: [United States] Puerto Plata (Prata, S.) the book is divided into 17 chapters and 10 appendices, introduced the C++ program operation mode, the basic data types, complex data types, loops, and relational expressions, branching statements and logical operators, function overloading and function templates, memory model and namespace, class design and use, polymorphism, virtual functions, dynamic memory allocation, inheritance, code reuse, friend, exception processing, string type and standard templates libraries, input/output and so on.
全书分17章和10个附录,分别介绍了C++程序的运行方式、基本数据类型、复合数据类型、循环和关系表达式、分支语句和逻辑操作符、函数重载和函数模板、内存模型和名称空间、类的设计和使用、多态、虚函数、动态内存分配、继承、代码重用、友元、异常处理技术、string类和标准模板库、输入/输出等内容。-Author: [United States] Puerto Plata (Prata, S.) the book is divided into 17 chapters and 10 appendices, introduced the C++ program operation mode, the basic data types, complex data types, loops, and relational expressions, branching statements and logical operators, function overloading and function templates, memory model and namespace, class design and use, polymorphism, virtual functions, dynamic memory allocation, inheritance, code reuse, friend, exception processing, string type and standard templates libraries, input/output and so on.
C++ Primer Plus.pdf