Schema文档,并给出了在.NET下实现报文有效性验证的算法。-Based on EMIF,application agent or ZIS exchanges its information with each other th~ush the message stipulated by
EMIF,which are the standard XML documents.After the application agent or ZIS receives the message,it first must confirm
whether this XML document COnfOrm S to the EMIF standard.The paper constructs XIVIL Schema docum ents ofEMIF message ac—
coming to EMIF standard,and presents the algorithm to realize validation of the message based On.NET fr a mework.
Schema文档,并给出了在.NET下实现报文有效性验证的算法。-Based on EMIF,application agent or ZIS exchanges its information with each other th~ush the message stipulated by
EMIF,which are the standard XML documents.After the application agent or ZIS receives the message,it first must confirm
whether this XML document COnfOrm S to the EMIF standard.The paper constructs XIVIL Schema docum ents ofEMIF message ac—
coming to EMIF standard,and presents the algorithm to realize validation of the message based On.NET fr a mework.
Validation of EMIF Message.pdf