Abstract—Using a uniquemonitoring experiment, we capture all
packets crossing a (lightly utilized) operational access router from
a Tier-1 provider, and use them to provide a detailed examination
of router congestion and packet delays. The complete capture en-
ables not just statistics as seen from outside the router, but also
an accurate physical router model to be identifi ed. This enables
a comprehensive examination of congestion and delay from three
points of view: the understanding of origins, measurement, and re-
porting. Our study defi nes new methodologies and metrics. In par-
ticular, the traffi c reporting enables a rich descr iption of the diver-
sity of microcongestion behavior, without model assumptions, and
at achievable computational cost.
Index Terms—
packets crossing a (lightly utilized) operational access router from
a Tier-1 provider, and use them to provide a detailed examination
of router congestion and packet delays. The complete capture en-
ables not just statistics as seen from outside the router, but also
an accurate physical router model to be identifi ed. This enables
a comprehensive examination of congestion and delay from three
points of view: the understanding of origins, measurement, and re-
porting. Our study defi nes new methodologies and metrics. In par-
ticular, the traffi c reporting enables a rich descr iption of the diver-
sity of microcongestion behavior, without model assumptions, and
at achievable computational cost.
Index Terms—
congestion routing.pdf