This various examples to work with delphi from starting, i.e. basic concept-This is various examples to work with delphi from starting, i.e. basic concept
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文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 | ||
271 code for Delphi\Files\Add a file to the document menu.txt | ||||
...................\Database\Add a Row Number in your DBGrid.txt | ||||
...................\........\Add field to table at runtime.txt | ||||
...................\Files\Append one file to other.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 2\Associate an application with a file extension.txt | ||||
...................\Math\Calculate the age of a person.txt | ||||
...................\Internet\Call the default email program.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 2\Call the system time dialog.txt | ||||
...................\Forms\Change a Hint's Font.txt | ||||
...................\Graphic\Change application icon at runtime.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 1\Change size of the Windows Start Button.txt | ||||
...................\.......\........2\Change the caption of other applications.txt | ||||
...................\Components\Change the color of a TProgressBar.txt | ||||
...................\Miscellaneous\Change the date format.txt | ||||
...................\Components\Change the default cell selection color in a TStringGrid.txt | ||||
...................\..........\Change the DefaultRowHeight of a TDBGrid.txt | ||||
...................\Forms\Change the display time of the Hints.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 1\Change the priority of applications main thread.txt | ||||
...................\Multimedia\Change the sound cards volume.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 1\Change the system time.txt | ||||
...................\Miscellaneous\Check if a disk is in the drive.txt | ||||
...................\System Information\Check if a partition is NTFS or FAT formated.txt | ||||
...................\Files\Check if a path exists.txt | ||||
...................\Multimedia\Check if a sound card is installed.txt | ||||
...................\Strings\Check if a string is a valid date or time.txt | ||||
...................\.......\Check if a string is a valid floating-point number.txt | ||||
...................\Internet\Check if a String is a valid IP Address.txt | ||||
...................\Strings\Check if a String is numeric.txt | ||||
...................\Components\Check if a Stringgrid cell is selected.txt | ||||
...................\Miscellaneous\Check if Delphi is running.txt | ||||
...................\Internet\Check if I am connected to the internet.txt | ||||
...................\ActiveX\Check if the recycle bin is empty.txt | ||||
...................\Components\Check if Undo is possible in a TMemo.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 1\Check if Windows taskbar's auto hide feature enabled.txt | ||||
...................\Internet\Check if Winsock is enabled.txt | ||||
...................\ActiveX\Check if Word | Excel | Access | Outlook | Powerpoint is running.txt |
...................\Windows\Windows 1\Check | if a process is running.txt | |||
...................\Printing\Check | if the current printer prints in color.txt | |||
...................\Miscellaneous\Close an application with the escape key.txt | ||||
...................\Database\Color a TDBGrid.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 2\Confine the mouse.txt | ||||
...................\Internet\Connect to the internet.txt | ||||
...................\Windows\Windows 2\Control the windows task bar and the windows start button.txt | ||||
...................\Math\Convert a Binary Number into a Decimal Number.txt | ||||
...................\Graphic\Convert a Bitmap to a JPEG and save it.txt | ||||
...................\.......\Convert a Bitmap to an Icon.txt | ||||
...................\.......\Convert a bitmap to sepia or greyscale.txt | ||||
...................\Math\Convert a decimal number to roman numerals.txt | ||||
...................\.ultimedia\Convert a Flash SWF to EXE.txt | ||||
...................\.ath\Convert a hexadecimal number into a binary number.txt | ||||
...................\Strings\Convert a number to a string with leading zeroes.txt | ||||
...................\.......\Convert a TDateTime to a String.txt | ||||
...................\Math\Convert an Integer to an octal number.txt | ||||
...................\....\Convert an octal number to integer.txt | ||||
...................\Graphic\Convert BMP to WMF.txt | ||||
...................\Math\Convert Hex codes to Integer.txt | ||||
...................\Graphic\Convert icons to bmp.txt | ||||
...................\.......\Convert JPEG to BMP.txt | ||||
...................\Files\Convert long filenames in |