近年来,随着高校大规模的扩招,学生人数急剧增加,高校宿舍管理的难度也越来越大。原始的手工或半手工管理模式已远远不能满足实际工作的需要。为了能够合理,有效的安排学生的住宿问题,对宿舍资源进行合理有效的管理,开发一套能够帮助学校相关部门更好地管理宿舍的计算机系统就成为当务之急。-In recent years, with the large university enrollment, the sharp increase in the number of students, college dormitory management increasingly difficult. The original manual or semi-manual mode can not meet the actual work. In order to reasonable and effective accommodation for students, on the quarters rational and effective management of resources, developing a school-related departments to help better manage the hostel' s computer system to become a top priority.
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