温度是工业生产中常见的工艺参数之一,任何物理变化和化学反应过程都与温度密切相关,因此温度控制是生产自动化的重要任务。对于不同生产情况和工艺要求下的温度控制,所采用的加热方式,燃料,控制方案也有所不同。例如冶金、机械、食品、化工等各类工业生产中广泛使用的各种加热炉、热处理炉、反应炉等;燃料有煤气、天然气、油、电等;控制方案有直接数字控制(DDC),推断控制,预测控制,模糊控制(Fuzzy),专家控制(Expert Control),鲁棒控制(Robust Control),推理控制等。 -Temperature is common in industrial production of process parameters, any physical change and chemical reaction process are closely related to temperature, so temperature control is an important task automation. For different production conditions and process requirements of temperature control, using the heating method, fuel, control program is also different. Such as metallurgy, machinery, food, chemical widely used in various industrial production of various furnace, heat treatment furnace, reactor, etc. fuels are gas, natural gas, oil, electricity, etc. control programs have a direct digital control (DDC), inference control, predictive control, fuzzy control (Fuzzy), expert control (Expert Control), Robust Control (Robust Control), reasoning control.