本实例应用程序就是利用通用的热键管理DLL库实现的热键功能,在收到热键通知后截取屏幕的内容并保存到bmp文件中。例如我们设置图片保存路径为c:\,热键为F9 + Control,然后按Change按钮设置好热键,那么当我们按下CTRL+F9后,当前界面将以BMP图像文件的格式被保存在C:\目录下。-The example of application is the use of common hotkey management DLL library implementation of hotkey functionality, the receipt of the notice of the interception of the screen hotkey content and save it to bmp file. For example, we set the path to save the picture as c: \, hotkey to F9+ Control, then press the Change button to set up hot key, then when we press CTRL+ F9, the current interface will be the format of BMP image file is saved in the C : \ directory.