/Initial COM
m_ctrlComm.SetCommPort(1) //选择com1
m_ctrlComm.SetSettings("9600,n,8,1") //通信参数设置 波特率9600,无校验,8个数据位,1个停止位
m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferSize(1024) //指定接收缓冲区大小
m_ctrlComm.SetRThreshold(1) //参数1表示每当串口接收缓冲区中有多于或等于1个字符时将引发一个接收数据的OnComm事件
m_ctrlComm.SetInputMode(1) //定义Input属性获取数据的方式(为0:文本方式;为1:二进制方式)。
m_ctrlComm.SetInputLen(0) //设置每次Input读入的字符个数,缺省值为0,表明读取接收缓冲 区中的全部内容。
m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferCount(0) //清空接收缓冲区
m_ctrlComm.SetPortOpen(TRUE) //打开串口
-/ Initial COM m_ctrlComm.SetCommPort (1) // select com1 m_ctrlComm.SetSettings (" 9600, n, 8,1" ) // communication parameters set the baud rate 9600, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 Stop bit m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferSize (1024) // specify the receive buffer size m_ctrlComm.SetRThreshold (1) // Parameter 1 indicates the serial port receive buffer whenever there is more than or equal to one character will lead to a receive data OnComm event m_ctrlComm.SetInputMode (1) // define properties for data Input mode (0: Text mode 1: Binary mode). m_ctrlComm.SetInputLen (0) // Set each Input the number of characters read, the default value is 0, the receive buffer read in its entirety. m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferCount (0) // Clear receive buffer m_ctrlComm.SetPortOpen (TRUE) // Open the serial port
m_ctrlComm.SetCommPort(1) //选择com1
m_ctrlComm.SetSettings("9600,n,8,1") //通信参数设置 波特率9600,无校验,8个数据位,1个停止位
m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferSize(1024) //指定接收缓冲区大小
m_ctrlComm.SetRThreshold(1) //参数1表示每当串口接收缓冲区中有多于或等于1个字符时将引发一个接收数据的OnComm事件
m_ctrlComm.SetInputMode(1) //定义Input属性获取数据的方式(为0:文本方式;为1:二进制方式)。
m_ctrlComm.SetInputLen(0) //设置每次Input读入的字符个数,缺省值为0,表明读取接收缓冲 区中的全部内容。
m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferCount(0) //清空接收缓冲区
m_ctrlComm.SetPortOpen(TRUE) //打开串口
-/ Initial COM m_ctrlComm.SetCommPort (1) // select com1 m_ctrlComm.SetSettings (" 9600, n, 8,1" ) // communication parameters set the baud rate 9600, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 Stop bit m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferSize (1024) // specify the receive buffer size m_ctrlComm.SetRThreshold (1) // Parameter 1 indicates the serial port receive buffer whenever there is more than or equal to one character will lead to a receive data OnComm event m_ctrlComm.SetInputMode (1) // define properties for data Input mode (0: Text mode 1: Binary mode). m_ctrlComm.SetInputLen (0) // Set each Input the number of characters read, the default value is 0, the receive buffer read in its entirety. m_ctrlComm.SetInBufferCount (0) // Clear receive buffer m_ctrlComm.SetPortOpen (TRUE) // Open the serial port