大学期间总会有很多公共选修课,以往的选课方法是随堂报名。这种方法虽然直接,但是造成选课的盲目性,有些课堂选课时人满为患,有些课堂无人选课。原因是传统的选课方法没有预见性,大家没有事先协调好。使用了网上选课系统以后,可以在开课前就在网上选课,每个学生的课程在开课前就确定好,不用浪费体力去选课,还可以使教学资源合理平均地分-College are always a lot of public elective courses, course selection is past registration Quiz. Although this method directly, but caused blindness in course selection, course selection when some classes are overcrowded, some classes no one elective. The reason is the traditional elective method is not predictable, we do not coordinate well in advance. After using the online course selection system can be before the commencement of online enrollment, each student' s course before the course commences on the identification of good, do not waste energy to course selection, teaching resources can also reasonably evenly divided