每一台Fx-4800P计算器都具备一本说明书,该计算器各部键的功能以及操作方法,只要认真按照说明书各章节学习,很快就能掌握和运用,现将我在生产实践中应用的部分计算程序介绍给测绘界的同行以便共同探讨。-Fx - 4800P is Japan's Casio calculators company's products, In addition to its function with the full-function calculator, also has the following unique features : 1. binary and octal Cross display; 2, binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal conversion and processing to reduce, x, in addition to operations. 3, f (x) function of the input and integration of computing; 4, the standard deviation and regression. Each Taiwan Fx - 4800P Calculator possess a brochure, the key ministries of calculator functions and methods of operation, So long as the chapters according to the study brochure soon will be able to understand and use, We now in production practice application of the calculation procedures introduced to the mapping industry counterparts to jointly explore.
每一台Fx-4800P计算器都具备一本说明书,该计算器各部键的功能以及操作方法,只要认真按照说明书各章节学习,很快就能掌握和运用,现将我在生产实践中应用的部分计算程序介绍给测绘界的同行以便共同探讨。-Fx - 4800P is Japan's Casio calculators company's products, In addition to its function with the full-function calculator, also has the following unique features : 1. binary and octal Cross display; 2, binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal conversion and processing to reduce, x, in addition to operations. 3, f (x) function of the input and integration of computing; 4, the standard deviation and regression. Each Taiwan Fx - 4800P Calculator possess a brochure, the key ministries of calculator functions and methods of operation, So long as the chapters according to the study brochure soon will be able to understand and use, We now in production practice application of the calculation procedures introduced to the mapping industry counterparts to jointly explore.
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