给定物品n件,他们的重量分别是w[0],w[1],……w[n-1],物品的价值分别为v[0],v[1],……v[n-1],另有一个背包,它可以容纳的总重量为w。设计一种物品挑选方案,要求从这n件物品中所选取的物品的总重量不超过背包的容量w,使选中物品的价值之和最大。 -N pieces of a given item, the weight they were w [0], w [1], ... ... w [n-1], the value of goods, respectively v [0], v [1], ... ... v [n-1], while a backpack, which can accommodate a total weight w. Design an item selecting program, requested items from n items selected in the total weight does not exceed the capacity of backpack w, to select the items and the maximum value.
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