-(1) Every pressing a switch SP1, count by 1, by P0 port P0.0 to P0.3 shows the binary count (2) When the power, L1 connected to the P0.0 pin blinking LED on, when every time switch SP1, when pressed, L2 connected to the P0.1 pin on the LED is flashing, then press the time switch SP1, L3 connected to the P0.2 pin on LED is flashing, then press the switch when SP1, L4 connected to the P0.3 pin on the LED is flashing, then press the switch when the SP1, then turn at the flashing L1, and so turn down.
-(1) Every pressing a switch SP1, count by 1, by P0 port P0.0 to P0.3 shows the binary count (2) When the power, L1 connected to the P0.0 pin blinking LED on, when every time switch SP1, when pressed, L2 connected to the P0.1 pin on the LED is flashing, then press the time switch SP1, L3 connected to the P0.2 pin on LED is flashing, then press the switch when SP1, L4 connected to the P0.3 pin on the LED is flashing, then press the switch when the SP1, then turn at the flashing L1, and so turn down.