This contains the main-level VHDL files required for an example complete, ready-to-use,
FPGA/ASIC 8051 microcontroller. The corresponding main schematic can be found in the
Schematics folder, and a technical descr iption of the e8051 core interface in the “Data
sheets/e8051 User Guide” file-This contains the main-level VHDL files required for an example complete, ready-to-use,
FPGA/ASIC 8051 microcontroller. The corresponding main schematic can be found in the
Schematics folder, and a technical descr iption of the e8051 core interface in the “Data
sheets/e8051 User Guide” file
FPGA/ASIC 8051 microcontroller. The corresponding main schematic can be found in the
Schematics folder, and a technical descr iption of the e8051 core interface in the “Data
sheets/e8051 User Guide” file-This contains the main-level VHDL files required for an example complete, ready-to-use,
FPGA/ASIC 8051 microcontroller. The corresponding main schematic can be found in the
Schematics folder, and a technical descr iption of the e8051 core interface in the “Data
sheets/e8051 User Guide” file
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.........\....\Data sheets
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