1. 可以从键盘输入职工信息,添加到磁盘的文本文件中
2. 可以根据职工的姓名查找
3. 可以排序输出
4. 可以指定删除某个职工信息
-CPP prepared by the staff management system 1. You can enter the employee information from the keyboard, add a text file to disk 2. You can find the names of three under the Trade Unions. You can sort the output 4. You can specify to delete a trade union information
1. 可以从键盘输入职工信息,添加到磁盘的文本文件中
2. 可以根据职工的姓名查找
3. 可以排序输出
4. 可以指定删除某个职工信息
-CPP prepared by the staff management system 1. You can enter the employee information from the keyboard, add a text file to disk 2. You can find the names of three under the Trade Unions. You can sort the output 4. You can specify to delete a trade union information