点按键精灵的增加按扭出现一个脚本编辑器,打开鼠标动作,点 里面的抓点alt+ctrl+1抓1个点(稻草人脚下)。alt+ctrl+12抓第2个点(鼠标移到你想要种植的项目上面)记住坐标。把刚才第一个点的坐标替换上面脚本里的395 196 第二个点的坐标替换795 250 。把修改好的脚本的复制到一个新建的文本文档里。在把这个文本放到按键精灵的scr ipt文件夹。重新打开按键精灵home脚本前打勾。当前窗口有效或者天龙八部有效。(人必须站在草人下) 按HOME开始 想结束的时候按 END这个脚本是5分钟的 对了上面脚本有错误下部的300000改成600300 脚本只能种植不能收粮食的哦。还有 天龙里种植是不用答题的所以不用害怕被发现(天龙主要靠答题系统和文字屏蔽系统发现外挂和非法言论)-Point increase in the wizard button button appears a scr ipt Editor, open the mouse movements, point inside the grasping points, alt+ ctrl+1 grasping a point (Scarecrow foot). alt+ ctrl+12 grasp the first two points (move your mouse over the items you want to grow above) remember the coordinates. To just the first coordinates of a point above the scr ipt to replace the 395,196 to replace the coordinates of the second point of 795.25 thousand. To modify a copy of a good scr ipt into a new text document inside. Key in bringing this text into the wizard s scr ipt folder. Re-open the scr ipt before the tick button wizard home. Tian Long Ba Bu effective or efficient the current window. (People must stand under Cheuk-yan) by HOME start to think about the end of the press END This scr ipt is 5 minutes on top of the scr ipt errors on the lower part of the scr ipt can only be planted 300,000 can not be changed to 600.3 thousand received food oh. There is no need to plant Dragon so I do not answer in fe