透过人类数千万年的发展史,可以看到一条清晰的、刻在时间轴上的演变脉络。该脉络不仅诉说着人类过去的发展,而且也指出了人类命运的走向。软件和软件工程作为人类历史发展过程中出现的一种重要工具,自然也会在在这条脉络中留下自己的痕迹,而这条演变脉络对人类命运走向的指导作用自然也适用于软件与软件工程。本文正是从这个广阔的视角去看待软件与软件工程的未来与前景,并对此进行一点粗浅的探索。-Abstract A careful examination of human history reveals a clear thread of human development. Carved on the limitless time line, this thread not only records the past process of human evolution, but also points out the direction of human destiny. As important inventions and tools, software and software engineering also leave her trail in this human development thread. Thus, we can look at software and software engineering from the perspective of human evolution history and gain some unique insights.