Satlink calculus is a scr ipt to realice the process of calculus of an link occuped by a transponder to multiple low carriers capacity considering certain parameters and esentials characteristics of the net. This program resolves the exercise from figure 3.14 pag. 130 from the book."Comunicaciones por Satélite" of Carlos Rosado.
By Victor González vjgonzalezg@gmail.com alias:actinio :) and my loved wife Heddy Lu Giménez.-Satlink calculus is a scr ipt to realice the process of calculus of an link occuped by a transponder to multiple low carriers capacity considering certain parameters and esentials characteristics of the net. This program resolves the exercise from figure 3.14 pag. 130 from the book."Comunicaciones por Satélite" of Carlos Rosado.
By Victor González vjgonzalezg@gmail.com alias:actinio :) and my loved wife Heddy Lu Giménez.
By Victor González vjgonzalezg@gmail.com alias:actinio :) and my loved wife Heddy Lu Giménez.-Satlink calculus is a scr ipt to realice the process of calculus of an link occuped by a transponder to multiple low carriers capacity considering certain parameters and esentials characteristics of the net. This program resolves the exercise from figure 3.14 pag. 130 from the book."Comunicaciones por Satélite" of Carlos Rosado.
By Victor González vjgonzalezg@gmail.com alias:actinio :) and my loved wife Heddy Lu Giménez.