前 言
请花一两个小时认真阅读这本百页经书,你将会获益匪浅,这是前面N-1个读者的建议。-Introduction of Software Quality is the majority of programmers have paid lip service rather than the heart thing! In addition to complete layman and truly master the programming, the initial read a book, you feel will be the first to panic: " wow! I had fabricated C++/C program how would there be so many problems?" Do not sorry, by just over You few years ago, more than just a few panic-stricken. Please take 12 hours to carefully read through 100 of this book, you will be benefited, which is N-1 in front of a reader' s suggestion.
请花一两个小时认真阅读这本百页经书,你将会获益匪浅,这是前面N-1个读者的建议。-Introduction of Software Quality is the majority of programmers have paid lip service rather than the heart thing! In addition to complete layman and truly master the programming, the initial read a book, you feel will be the first to panic: " wow! I had fabricated C++/C program how would there be so many problems?" Do not sorry, by just over You few years ago, more than just a few panic-stricken. Please take 12 hours to carefully read through 100 of this book, you will be benefited, which is N-1 in front of a reader' s suggestion.
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