Microsoft® Windows® 2000的驱动程序开发包(DDK)文档总览给您详尽的信息,这些信息对编写Windows2000平台任何类型的驱动程序都是必须的。本文档也描述了Windows Driver Model(WDM)驱动程序,这些驱动程序在Windows2000和Microsoft® Windows® 98平台之间是源码级兼容的-The Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Driver Development Kit (DDK) documentation overview gives you detailed information that the preparation of the Windows2000 platform for any type of driver procedures are necessary. This document also describes the Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver, these drivers in Windows2000 and Microsoft ® Windows ® 98 platform, source-level compatibility between the
相关搜索: WDM
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