它支持HOME用户上传自己的资源和下载别的用户的资源,用户上传时可自定义“资源标题”“下载所需积分”“是否公布: 全部会员可下载|只有好友可下载|只有自己可下载 ”“是否匿名发布”“资源关键字”“资源简介”,尤其是资源选择好之后,在上传列表中会显示资源的“文件名,文件 大小”等简洁信息,还有“下载排行榜""上传排行“”评论排行“,让人一目了然,且有上传进度显示,中途可取消上传操作。另一个特点是可通过其自带后台自定义允许用户上传的文件类型以及文件大小,资源分类等功能,后台还可以设置一些其它信息,比如多少积分的用户可以进行上传和下载操作等功能。-uchome2.0 the super network hard disk plug-in (GBK version):
HOME 2.0 as a resource-sharing plug-in, it supported the HOME users to upload their own resources and the resources of other users to download, the user can upload a custom "resource title", "download the necessary points" "is announced: All Members can download the | only friends can download the | only you can download the "" is published anonymously, "" Resource keywords "" resource profile ", especially after a good resource selection, the list will be displayed in the upload of resources" file name, File Size "and other concise information, as well as" download list "" From Top "" comments Ranking ", makes clear, and there upload progress shows that the middle cancel the upload operation. Another feature is available through its own background allows users to upload a custom file type and file size, resource classification and other functions, the background can also set a number of other information, such as how many
它支持HOME用户上传自己的资源和下载别的用户的资源,用户上传时可自定义“资源标题”“下载所需积分”“是否公布: 全部会员可下载|只有好友可下载|只有自己可下载 ”“是否匿名发布”“资源关键字”“资源简介”,尤其是资源选择好之后,在上传列表中会显示资源的“文件名,文件 大小”等简洁信息,还有“下载排行榜""上传排行“”评论排行“,让人一目了然,且有上传进度显示,中途可取消上传操作。另一个特点是可通过其自带后台自定义允许用户上传的文件类型以及文件大小,资源分类等功能,后台还可以设置一些其它信息,比如多少积分的用户可以进行上传和下载操作等功能。-uchome2.0 the super network hard disk plug-in (GBK version):
HOME 2.0 as a resource-sharing plug-in, it supported the HOME users to upload their own resources and the resources of other users to download, the user can upload a custom "resource title", "download the necessary points" "is announced: All Members can download the | only friends can download the | only you can download the "" is published anonymously, "" Resource keywords "" resource profile ", especially after a good resource selection, the list will be displayed in the upload of resources" file name, File Size "and other concise information, as well as" download list "" From Top "" comments Ranking ", makes clear, and there upload progress shows that the middle cancel the upload operation. Another feature is available through its own background allows users to upload a custom file type and file size, resource classification and other functions, the background can also set a number of other information, such as how many