该游戏是一个简单的打字游戏,双击图标后将进入主菜单,再按enter键会进入到选择速度的菜单,这里还有游戏的简单介绍,按1/2进入游戏后,字母会从屏幕上方掉下,从键盘键入正确的字母则掉下的字母消失,否则当字母掉到屏幕最下面时,生命值会减少,当生命值减少到0时游戏结束,这时按Esc键将返回主菜单。-The game is a simple typing game, double-click the icon will access the main menu, then enter keys into the speed of the menu choices, where there is a brief descr iption of the game, according to 1/2 into the game, the letters from the top of the screen fell, from the keyboard, type the correct letter of the alphabet are falling away, or when the letters fall into the bottom of the screen when the value of life would be reduced, when the value of life be reduced to 0, the game ended, then press Esc key to return to the main menu .