该版软件有270个特效,界面精美,可以自行增加、编辑、预览与删除,集管理与收集于一身,是网页设计师们不可多得的特效软件,经不完全统计,该版软件特效总数是目前同类软件中最多的一款,同时我们也在不停地更新,更新速度较快。栏目分为常用特效-高级特效-另类特效三大类,细分为一级常用、二级常用、时间与日期、颜色与文本、鼠标与控制、媒体与图像、娱乐与游戏、 窗口与界面、菜单与导航、复杂另类、简单另类.
-The software has 270 special effects, attractive interface, free to add, edit, preview and delete, set management and revenue rolled into one, web designers are a rare special effects software, through the incomplete statistics, the software effects Total is currently the largest in a similar software, and we are constantly updating, updates faster. Section is divided into Common Effects- Advanced Effects- Alternative Effects three categories, subdivided into a common, two commonly used, time and date, color and text, mouse and control, media and graphics, entertainment and games, window and interface, menu and navigation, a complex alternative, simple alternative.
-The software has 270 special effects, attractive interface, free to add, edit, preview and delete, set management and revenue rolled into one, web designers are a rare special effects software, through the incomplete statistics, the software effects Total is currently the largest in a similar software, and we are constantly updating, updates faster. Section is divided into Common Effects- Advanced Effects- Alternative Effects three categories, subdivided into a common, two commonly used, time and date, color and text, mouse and control, media and graphics, entertainment and games, window and interface, menu and navigation, a complex alternative, simple alternative.