Semi-automatic Differentiation (SD) Toolkit is a Matlab implementation
of the complex step derivative (CSD) technique for the differentiation of real-valued functions. The Toolkit consists of three core functions:
sdGrad.m - Returns CSD approximation of the gradient (g) of the
scalar-valued target function fun(p,Extra), according to Equation 3
of the paper.
sdJac.m - Returns CSD approximation of the Jacobian (J) of the
scalar-valued target function fun(p,Extra), according to Equation 3
of the paper.
sdHg.m - Rerurns CSD approximation of the Hessian (H) of the
scalar-valued target function fun(p,Extra), according to Equation 7 of the
paper. It also returns the centered-difference CSD approximation of the
gradient as a by-product.
For a brief describtion of the functions in the toolkit,
type ,help sdToolkit> at Matlab command prompt.-The sdToolkit demonstrates the complex step derivative method on a variety of functions and geophysically oriented examples
of the complex step derivative (CSD) technique for the differentiation of real-valued functions. The Toolkit consists of three core functions:
sdGrad.m - Returns CSD approximation of the gradient (g) of the
scalar-valued target function fun(p,Extra), according to Equation 3
of the paper.
sdJac.m - Returns CSD approximation of the Jacobian (J) of the
scalar-valued target function fun(p,Extra), according to Equation 3
of the paper.
sdHg.m - Rerurns CSD approximation of the Hessian (H) of the
scalar-valued target function fun(p,Extra), according to Equation 7 of the
paper. It also returns the centered-difference CSD approximation of the
gradient as a by-product.
For a brief describtion of the functions in the toolkit,
type ,help sdToolkit> at Matlab command prompt.-The sdToolkit demonstrates the complex step derivative method on a variety of functions and geophysically oriented examples