The code efficiently computes the Earth Mover s Distance (EMD) between two histograms or sparse histograms (signatures). The EMD is also known as Mallows, 1st Wasserstein, Monge-Kantorovich, Match and Transporatation distances. The approach was described in the paper:
"Fast and Robust Earth Mover s Distance" [, ].
EMD-HAT (a better definition of EMD for non-normalized histograms) was presented in the paper:
"A Linear Time Histogram Metric for Improved SIFT Matching" [, ]. -The code efficiently computes the Earth Mover s Distance (EMD) between two histograms or sparse histograms (signatures). The EMD is also known as Mallows, 1st Wasserstein, Monge-Kantorovich, Match and Transporatation distances. The approach was described in the paper:
"Fast and Robust Earth Mover s Distance" [, ].
EMD-HAT (a better definition of EMD for non-normalized histograms) was presented in the paper:
"A Linear Time Histogram Metric for Improved SIFT Matching" [, ].
"Fast and Robust Earth Mover s Distance" [, ].
EMD-HAT (a better definition of EMD for non-normalized histograms) was presented in the paper:
"A Linear Time Histogram Metric for Improved SIFT Matching" [, ]. -The code efficiently computes the Earth Mover s Distance (EMD) between two histograms or sparse histograms (signatures). The EMD is also known as Mallows, 1st Wasserstein, Monge-Kantorovich, Match and Transporatation distances. The approach was described in the paper:
"Fast and Robust Earth Mover s Distance" [, ].
EMD-HAT (a better definition of EMD for non-normalized histograms) was presented in the paper:
"A Linear Time Histogram Metric for Improved SIFT Matching" [, ].