】在当今的三大定位导航系统中, 它们各自用着自己的时间标准和坐标框架, 这使得我们在进行多样数
据处理与数据融合时很不方便。这就需要我们对此三个系统的时间系统以及坐标系统进行有效的转换, 本文就是
基于这样的需求, 详细介绍并分析了此三大系统中各自的时间系统与坐标系统, 通过对多方资料的综合、推证与
计算, 综合得出GPS、GLONASS以及GAL ILEO三大系统间的时间转换方法及坐标转换模型与公式。而且, 这些
转换公式与方法所得出的结果是完全能满足绝大多数用户的精度需求的。-Nowadays, there are three positioning systems existed in the world, but each of them has its own time system and coor2
dinate fr a me, which may result to much inconvinentwhen data p rocessing or data fusion. So that, we should do some effective transfor2
mation among these three systems, including time system and coordinate system. For the requirement, the time system and coordinate
system for each of them are analyzed in details. And then, the method of time transformation and the model of coordinates transforma2
tion among GPS, GLONASS and GAL ILEO are p roposed based on lots of integration, certification and calculation. Additionally, the
result of these methods can meetmost of users’demands absolutely.
据处理与数据融合时很不方便。这就需要我们对此三个系统的时间系统以及坐标系统进行有效的转换, 本文就是
基于这样的需求, 详细介绍并分析了此三大系统中各自的时间系统与坐标系统, 通过对多方资料的综合、推证与
计算, 综合得出GPS、GLONASS以及GAL ILEO三大系统间的时间转换方法及坐标转换模型与公式。而且, 这些
转换公式与方法所得出的结果是完全能满足绝大多数用户的精度需求的。-Nowadays, there are three positioning systems existed in the world, but each of them has its own time system and coor2
dinate fr a me, which may result to much inconvinentwhen data p rocessing or data fusion. So that, we should do some effective transfor2
mation among these three systems, including time system and coordinate system. For the requirement, the time system and coordinate
system for each of them are analyzed in details. And then, the method of time transformation and the model of coordinates transforma2
tion among GPS, GLONASS and GAL ILEO are p roposed based on lots of integration, certification and calculation. Additionally, the
result of these methods can meetmost of users’demands absolutely.
相关搜索: glonass